Monday, May 3, 2010

Midterm Artist Statement Rough Draft

1. My big idea is freedom. I looked at two polarizing historical figures one being Lincoln who used his political position as president to free the slaves and unite a country. Then I looked at Hitler who used his political power to fight wars and kills thousands of people. So power is a big theme in my project.
2. When I began exploring the idea, I thought of Nelson Mandela who was able to united South Africa after many years of war. I replaced his face from a very famous picture taken of him from prison and replaced it with Lincoln and Hitler and I replaced the window with lasting images from their countries history. It represents the different paths that individuals can lead a grup of people.
3. Freedom is important for me because I am an American. I have have lived my life with the ability to choose what I want to do and where I go. It affects me everyday of my life.

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