Monday, April 26, 2010

Blog assignment #2: Sean

Image 3 above
Image 2 above
Image 1 above
I choose to add smoke to an image. I first uploaded my image, then set my foreground color to black. I then added smoke by going to filter, render, cloud. I then adjusted the color by clicking the fx botton on the layers pallet and changed the gradient degree from 100 to 85. That is what image 1 looks like after doing these steps. Next, I used a brush tool, the instructions said any would work, and I added a mask and removed the excess clouds. That is my image 2. Finally, I added a cigar to the image and a little more smoke to create my final image. If you are unsure on how I was able to achieve any of my steps, please just click the link and it will provide you with step by step details.

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